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24/25 Winter Basketball Season
All Divisions
3rd & 4th Grade Boys
5th Grade Boys
6A Boys
6B Boys
7th Grade Boys
8A Boys
8B Boys
3rd & 4th Grade Girls
5th Grade Girls
6th Grade Girls
7th Grade Girls
8th Grade Girls
All Teams
Clark 5G (5th Grade Girls)
Clark 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Clark 8B (8B Boys)
Clark Crusaders 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Clark Crusaders 5B (5th Grade Boys)
Cranford PAL 6A (6A Boys)
Cranford PAL 8A (8A Boys)
Crusaders 6A (6A Boys)
EB Fast Break 7B (7th Grade Boys)
East Brunswick Bears 6G (6th Grade Girls)
East Brunswick FBBA 5G (5th Grade Girls)
East Brunswick Fast Break 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Elizabeth Rec Squad 6A (6A Boys)
Elizabeth Rec Squad 8A (8A Boys)
Hazlet Hawks 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Hazlet Hawks 5B (5th Grade Boys)
Hazlet Hawks 6A (6A Boys)
Honcho Elite 8A (8A Boys)
Howell Hawks 6A (6A Boys)
IC BULLDOGS 4G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
IC BULLDOGS 5G (5th Grade Girls)
LTC 5B (5th Grade Boys)
LTC 5G (5th Grade Girls)
LTC 6A (6A Boys)
LTC 6G (6th Grade Girls)
LTC 7B (7th Grade Boys)
LTC 8B (8B Boys)
Marlboro 8A (8A Boys)
Middletown South 3G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
Middletown South 4G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
Middletown South 6B (6B Boys)
Middletown South 6G (6th Grade Girls)
Monroe 7B (7th Grade Boys)
Monroe Falcons 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Monroe Falcons 4G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
Monroe Falcons 6A (6A Boys)
Monroe Falcons 6G (6th Grade Girls)
Monroe Falcons 8B (8B Boys)
Monroe Falcons 8G (8th Grade Girls)
Montgomery 6A (6A Boys)
Montgomery 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Montgomery 8A (8A Boys)
Montgomery 8G (8th Grade Girls)
North Brunswick 3B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
North Brunswick 7G (7th Grade Girls)
North Brunswick 8G (8th Grade Girls)
North Brunswick Knicks 6B (6B Boys)
North Brunswick Raiders 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
North Brunswick Raiders 4G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
North Brunswick Raiders 7B (7th Grade Boys)
North Brunswick Raiders 8B (8B Boys)
North Brunswick Raiders Blue 8A (8A Boys)
OB Hoops 8A (8A Boys)
OB Hoops Academy 3B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
OB Hoops Academy 8G (8th Grade Girls)
OB Hoops Academy Purple 6G (6th Grade Girls)
OLV Vikings 7B (7th Grade Boys)
Old Bridge Hoops 6B (6B Boys)
Old Bridge Hoops Academy (Gray) 6G (6th Grade Girls)
Old Bridge Hoops Academy 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Old Bridge Hoops Academy 5B (5th Grade Boys)
Old Bridge Hoops Academy 8B (8B Boys)
PBC Lady Bengal Kits 5G (5th Grade Girls)
PBC Lady Bengals 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Perth Amboy 8B (8B Boys)
Perth Amboy 8G (8th Grade Girls)
SB Vikings 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
SB Vikings 5B (5th Grade Boys)
SB Vikings 6B (6B Boys)
SB Vikings 7B (7th Grade Boys)
SB Vikings 8A (8A Boys)
Sayreville Spartan 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Sayreville Spartan 6B (6B Boys)
Sayreville Spartans 5B (5th Grade Boys)
Sayreville Spartans 6G (6th Grade Girls)
South Brunswick Vikings 6G (6th Grade Girls)
South Brunswick Warriors 5G (5th Grade Girls)
South Brunwick Lady Vikings 4G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
St Bernadettes Bull Dogs 5B (5th Grade Boys)
St Stans 5B (5th Grade Boys)
St Stans 8B (8B Boys)
St. Bernadette's Bull Dogs 3B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
St. Bernadette's Bull Dogs 6A (6A Boys)
St. Matt's 3G (3rd & 4th Grade Girls)
St. Matt's 6B (6B Boys)
St. Matt's 8G (8th Grade Girls)
TFE 8A (8A Boys)
Team Salvation 4B (3rd & 4th Grade Boys)
Team Salvation 5B (5th Grade Boys)
Team Salvation 5G (5th Grade Girls)
Team Salvation 6A (6A Boys)
Team Salvation 7B (7th Grade Boys)
Team Salvation 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Team Salvation 8G (8th Grade Girls)
Testers Elite 6A (6A Boys)
Westfield 7G (7th Grade Girls)
Westfield Blue 8G (8th Grade Girls)
Westfield White 8G (8th Grade Girls)
All Locations
Edison Intermediate School
Applegarth Elementary School
Asher Holmes Elementary School
Avenel Pres Church
Carl Sandburg Middle School
Churchill Junior High School
Clark Recreation Center Back Gym
Clark Recreation Center Front Gym
Crossroads North Middle School
Crossroads South Middle School Main Gym
Crossroads South Middle School Small Gym
East Brunswick High School Lower Gym
Edgar Middle School
Edison Intermediate School
Erxleben Recreation Center
Frank J. Dugan Elementary School
Franklin Middle School
Hazlet Middle School
Howell Middle School North
Howell Middle School South
Immaculate Conception School
Joseph E. Soehl Middle School
Joseph E. Soehl Middle School
Linden Multi Purpose Center
Linden P.A.L. Youth Center
Linwood Middle School
Marlboro Memorial Middle School
Marlboro Middle School
Marlboro Rec Center
Matawan Aberdeen Middle School
McManus Middle School
Memorial Elementary School
Mill Lake School
Monroe Community Center New Gym
Monroe Community Center Old Gym
Montgomery High School
Montgomery Twp Lower Middle
Montgomery Upper Middle School
Multi-Sports Kingdom
Myles J. McManus Middle School
North Brunswick Township Middle School
Old Bridge High School Back Gym
Old Bridge High School, Main Gym
Perth Amboy HS
Raritan Bay Area YMCA
Raritan High School
Roosevelt Middle School
Salk Middle School
Salvation Army West Corp
Samsel Upper Elementary School
Sayreville Middle School
Sharon Elementary New Gym
Sharon Elementary Old Gym
South Plainfield PAL
St Bernadette
St Matthews School
St. Annas
St. Stans
The Wardlaw-Hartridge School
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Thompson Middle School
Timothy Christian
Westfield HS
William Annin Middle School
William C McGinnis School
Windsor Athletic Club
Woodland Elementary School