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Coach Code of Conduct

The CJNB League endeavors to create a league in which its player-participants can develop basketball skills and enjoy competition in a safe and fun environment. All coaches in the CJNB will abide by the following Code of Conduct. If any of these rules are broken, the CJNB shall have the authority to impose appropriate penalties including permanent removal from the League. In all cases, the CJNB shall work together with the directors/administrators of our participating towns and organizations in fairly adjudicating and imposing penalties for Code violations.

Coaches in the CJNB shall:

  • Refrain from criticism of opposing teams, their players, coaches, and fans by word of mouth or gesture.
  • Refrain from demonstrably criticizing their own players in front of spectators, but rather reserve constructive criticism for later, in private, or in the presence of team members if others might benefit.
  • Accept decisions of game officials without argument as fair and called to the best of the abilities of the officials.
  • Be responsible for conduct, control, and removal of any unruly fan(s) in violation of the spectator’s code of conduct, at the request of the game officials.
  • If this occurs, the coach has 3 options:
    • a) Remove the violator him/herself from the gym.
    • b)Game will not be played until unruly spetcator is removed
    • c) Game will be forfeited if unruly spectator has not been removed and police will be called
  • Not use abusive or profane language at any time.
  • Strive to make every game serve as a training ground for life, and a basis for good mental and physical health.
  • Emphasize that winning is the result of good teamwork.
  • Not “run up the score” to the extent of his/her ability; rather, using lopsided games as opportunities to play and develop less skilled players.
  • Not permit participation of any player who is ineligible for any reason.
  • Remove any player from games when in doubt about his/her health, whether or not as a result of injury, until competent medical advice is available.
  • Not deliberately incite unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • Not use alcohol, illegal substances, or tobacco products at game sites.

In accordance with the CJNB Code of Conduct we have assembled an impartial committee from the Adams Athletic Club to assist in any disciplinary issues ... Although we insist on a Zero Tolerance policy for all Coaches, Players & Spectators, in the event any problems should arise we'll present all information to the Committee for review, and they'll decide on any corrective or punitive decisions ... First offense will result in either a One or Two game Suspension ... If there is a Second offense it may result in removal from the CJNB for the remainder of the season ... Failure to comply with the Committee's decision by either Coaches, Players or Spectators, may result in removal of your Team from the CJNB ... We understand that not everyone agrees with all calls the Officials, or League may make, However we need to establish an environment of Sportsmanship for these young Athletes to follow ... Please reinforce this message to all involved in your organizations with the intent to prevent any problems.. Your assistance in this matter is both needed and greatly appreciated to accomplish our goal of a successful season ...


Thank You in Advance

CJNB Board